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symbols A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z


L character
meaning in field or method descriptor, 101
meaning in field or method descriptor, 101
l2d instruction
definition, 306
l2f instruction
definition, 307
ladd instruction
compilation examples, operand stack operations, 386
definition, 309
laload instruction
definition, 310
land instruction
definition, 311
lastore instruction
definition, 312
lcmp instruction
definition, 313
lconst_<l> instructions
compilation examples
accessing the runtime constant pool, 371
operand stack operations, 386
definition, 314
ldc instruction
compilation examples, accessing the runtime constant pool, 371
constraints, static, 135
definition, 315
ldc_w instruction
constraints, static, 135
definition, 316
ldc2_w instruction
compilation examples
accessing the runtime constant pool, 371
constants and local variables in a for loop, 367
while loop, 373, 374
constraints, static, 135
definition, 317
ldiv instruction
definition, 318
left angle bracket <
in CONSTANT_Methodref_info and CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info names, significance of, 106
left parentheses (
meaning in method descriptor, 102
left square bracket [
meaning in field or method descriptor, 101
length item
(CONSTANT_Utf8_info structure), 111
(LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 131
Java virtual machine, 152
line_number item
(line_number_table array of LineNumberTable_attribute structure), 129
line_number_table array
(LineNumberTable_attribute structure), 130
line_number_table_length item
(LineNumberTable_attribute structure), 130
LineNumberTable_attribute structure
(attributes table of Code_attribute structure), 129
definition, 49, 50
as unrecoverable runtime exception class, 44
verification pass 4 occurrence of, 143
See also binding; preparation; resolution; verification
(chapter), 155
class files verification issues, 140
definition, 49, 164
dynamic, frame use for, 71
IllegalAccessError, 45
InstantiationError, 45
LinkageError, as unrecoverable runtime exception class, 45
LinkageError, loading errors thrown by, 49
LinkageError, verification errors thrown by, 50
LinkageError, verification pass 4 occurrence, 143
NoSuchFieldError, 45
NoSuchMethodError, 45
overview, 47
unrecoverable runtime exceptions associated with, 44
See also constants; strings; variables
definition, 6
false, 6
null, 6
strings, resolution of, 157
true, 6
lload instruction
definition, 319
lload_<n> instructions
definition, 320
lmul instruction
definition, 321
lneg instruction
definition, 322
loadClass method
ClassLoader class, loading of classes and interfaces by, 161
See also class loader; linking; verification
(chapter), 155
class or interface, 158
class or interface, errors
ClassCircularityError, 164
IncompatibleClassChange- Error, 164
NoClassDefFoundError, 160, 163
constraints, 162
definition, 48
delegation, 159
from arrays of type
byte or boolean, baload, 188
char, caload, 191
double, daload, 200
float, faload, 230
int, iaload, 261
long, laload, 308
reference, aaload, 175
short, saload, 354
from local variables of type
double, dload, 207
double, dload_<n>, 208
float, fload, 237
float, fload_<n>, 238
int, iload, 274
int, iload_<n>, 275
long, lload, 319
long, lload_<n>, 320
reference, aload, 179
reference, aload_<n>, 180
overview, 46
unrecoverable runtime exceptions associated with, 44
local_variable_table array
(LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 131
local_variable_table_length item
(LocalVariableTable_attribute structure), 131
local variables
See also parameters; variables
accessing, structural constraints on instructions, 138
code verification, Pass 3 - bytecode verifier, 143
compilation examples, 365
data-flow analysis, 142
definition, 14, 72
exception handling impact on, 79
for accessing more, summary, 83
load and store, summary, 83
specialized to handle, advantages of, 366
loading from
double, dload, 207
double, dload_<n>, 208
float, fload, 237
float, fload_<n>, 238
int, iload, 274
int, iload_<n>, 275
long, lload, 319
long, lload_<n>, 320
reference, aload, 179
reference, aload_<n>, 180
location of, 131
maximum number, 121
reuse, advantages of, 366
states, merging, during data-flow analysis, 145
storing into
double, dstore, 215
double, dstore_<n>, 216
float, fstore, 245
float, fstore_<n>, 246
int, istore, 299
int, istore_<n>, 300
long, lstore, 330
long, lstore_<n>, 331
reference, astore, 184
reference, astore_<n>, 185
LocalVariableTable_attribute structure
(Code_attribute structure), 130
See also IllegalMonitorStateException; monitors; threads
(chapter), 397
ACC_SYNCHONIZED flag, field_info structure, 114
definition, 12, 59
errors, IllegalMonitorStateException thrown, 44
interaction with variables, rules about, 403
managing shared variables with, 31
multithreaded synchronization with, 60
rules about, 402
structured use of, 413
synchronization and, 412
synchronized method use of, 33
long type
adding, ladd, 309
ANDing, bitwise, land, 311
comparing, lcmp, 313
constant, CONSTANT_Long_info structure representation, syntax and item descriptions, 108
double to, d2l, 197
float to, f2l, 227
int to, i2l, 258
to double, l2d, 306
to float, l2f, 307
to int, l2i, 308
definition, 62
dividing, ldiv, 318
from arrays, laload, 310
from local variables, lload, 319
from local variables, lload_<n>, 320
multiplying, lmul, 321
negating, lneg, 322
bitwise, exclusive, lxor, 334
bitwise, inclusive, lor, 325
constants, lconst_<l>, 314
wide index, ldc2_w, 317
remainder, lrem, 326
returning from method invocation, lreturn, 327
shift left, lshl, 328
shift right
arithmetic, lshr, 329
logical, lushr, 333
storing into
arrays, lastore, 312
local variables, lstore, 330
local variables, lstore_<n>, 331
subtracting, lsub, 332
value range, 63
lookupswitch instruction
See also tableswitch instruction
code array alignment effect, 121
compilation examples, compiling switches, 385
constraints, static, 134
definition, 323
lor instruction
definition, 325
low_bytes item
(CONSTANT_Double_info structure), 108
(CONSTANT_Long_info structure), 108
lrem instruction
definition, 326
lreturn instruction
compilation examples, operand stack operations, 386
constraints, structural, 138
definition, 327
lshl instruction
definition, 328
lshr instruction
definition, 329
lstore instruction
constraints, static, 136
definition, 330
lstore_<n> instructions
compilation examples, accessing the runtime constant pool, 371
constraints, static, 136
definition, 331
lsub instruction
definition, 332
lushr instruction
definition, 333
lxor instruction
definition, 334

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The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification
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Java VM Specification